
The first thermodynamics in the world with regard to hemoglobin (13)

To supplement and adjust some of what I have already stated.However I haven't received the criticism that the formula is inaccurate or sketchy,I will try to supplement and adjust some of what I have already stated.Doing so may allow us to …

世界で初めてのヘモグロビン・サーモダイナミックス (12)

コンフォメーション コンフォメーション(conformation)とは立体配座であり、分子の構造(constitution)及び分子を形成する原子と原子団の立体配置(configuration)に対して、分子内でのそれらの立体的な位置を表します。多くの分子は構造及び立体配置によっ…

The first thermodynamics in the world with regard to hemoglobin (12)

conformation In contrast to the molecule's costitution and the configuration that forms molecule,conformation represents the three-dimensional position of atoms and groups of atoms in a molecule. Many molecules are uniquely identified by t…